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You are magical being filled with so much power. Inside the first month we tap into YOU, your magic and your leadership style.
For the leader who knows there
is more in the Universe for her...
More love.
More happiness.
More devotion.
More connection.
More money.
More power.
More purpose.
this is your invitation.
Welcome to Your Sacred Feminine Era
The Sacred Feminine Awakening is a course on elevating and expanding your life and work by using feminine energy. Instead of subscribing to the old paradigms of success, achievement and accomplishment (which honestly only takes us so far in our lives) we are going to get juicy in a new way to live and lead.
The Sacred Feminine Awakening is designed to expand your life and your work. To support your connection with the people around you and help you feel better and more grounded in your purpose.
Instead of riding the wave of vacations and burn out...
Instead of waiting for someday to rest and lean into pleasure...
Instead of believing you aren't meant for money or love or all the things you desire...
Instead of measuring your success by achievements and accolades
(while still feeling accomplished and moving towards your dreams)...
Instead of feeling like you have to choose between a career or a family...
Instead of coping with stress by numbing out on scrolling, food and wine...
Instead of saying yes to the pressures of societal expectations...
Instead of banging your head on why you can never fully feel happy...
Instead of all that...
You are going to learn what is holding you back (the sacred feminine heartbreaks)...
You are going to heal those heartbreaks...
You are going to learn a new way to live, lead and achieve...
You are going to revolutionize your life.
If you already have done amazing things,
but you know that there has to be a better way...
and often you feel tired and disconnected...
and you desire to love your life right now, instead of someday in the future...
The Sacred Feminine Awakening is your invitation.
Hey,I am Katherine.
With a decorated resume that includes a with honors Master's Degree, Psychotherapy and Art Therapy Credentials (LPC and ATR), over a decade working with in crisis teens and their families, another six years running a business as a coach, mentor and platform developer and a busy mother of twins and wife to a first responder...
I know a thing or two about achievement, success and working really hard.
And, I know what it looks like to create a life that just landed two degrees off. I know, intimately, the version of my life that included everything I desired, including a job title as a leader, a hot husband, two cute kids, and a fabulous house, fun friends over for Thanksgiving... But also had me waiting for more.
I was waiting for vacations, grappling with autoimmune diseases and numbing with too much wine and Netflix teen dramas. I was entrenched in unhealthy patterns with some female co-workers and some friends, and couldn't figure out why I was slightly depressed, disconnected from my body, and not loving being a mother.
Along the way I got curious and started saying yes to the invitation to create a different life. A life that I loved right now, not in the distant future. A life that didn't include me playing out the same damn patterns with some friends and other women in my social circles. A life that allowed me to move towards my purpose without feeling exhausted and wrung out. A life that lit me up in every single way. A life that let me speak with my soul, my desires and my sacred side on a daily basis. I entered my Sacred Feminine Era and I didn't look back. My life exponentially improved.
the modules
the sacred feminine awakening
Welcome To Your Sacred Feminine Era
Your Sacred Feminine Era requires you to show up in your life and your work in a different energy. Leaning into cycles, rituals and feminine energy, we will set you up for a new kind of success right away.
The Sacred Feminine Heartbreaks
The Sacred Feminine Heartbreaks are also known as the "wounds" of the sacred feminine. We will go through and identify the Sacred Feminine Heartbreaks and which ones hold you back. These heartbreaks include, but are not limited to: Sisterhood, Success, Being the Good Girl, Happiness, Money, Pleasure, Intimacy, Health, Body Love and Beauty.
The Sacred Feminine Healing
After we identify the Sacred Feminine Heartbreaks we will find out how to heal them, so that they no longer hold you back or get in your way.
Achievement, Success and Money Expansion...
The Sacred Feminine Way
You are meant to do big things, make massive amounts of money and grow exponentially. Are you ready to lean into your biggest soul desires as a leader or entrepreneur? Are you ready to do it the feminine way?
The Daily + Weekly Sacred Feminine Practices
These are the practical things you can do to lean into your Sacred Feminine Era whenever you like.
Living in the World in Your Sacred Feminine Era
What do you do when you are living your Sacred Feminine Era Life and no-one else is? How do you deal with the people that just don't get it? We will cover this dilemma throughly.
The Sacred Feminine AwakeningIncludes...
The Sacred Feminine Awakening Includes...
Lifetime access to the six modules and their lessons. Each module has multiple lessons to code into your life. Each module is released by schedule so that you are not overwhelmed!
A live community space during the program's 12 week open period. Want support and love as you expand the sacred feminine in your life? Meet you soul sisters inside the program.
Four live expansion sessions with Katherine. Have a question? Want to dive deeper into your sacred feminine era? The live expansion sessions will support you. Replays of the live sessions will be uploaded to your course portal.